Navigating the Aftermath: Essential Generator Choices Following Hurricane Beryl and Houston’s Tornado Derecho Featured In: Blog, Buyer, Direct Mail, Houston, Seller

Choosing the Right Generator When making crucial decisions about home utilities, such as selecting the right generator, […]

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Where are you on the real estate journey? Featured In: Newsletters

Buying a home is a major milestone – whether it’s your first home, you’re looking for a bigger space, or you’re downsizing to suit your future needs.

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Real estate is a generational wealth builder Featured In: Newsletters

A hallmark of the American Dream is to own your own home. But half of Americans, especially millennials, don’t believe that goal is in reach. That sentiment might be true in your family as well. But what if there was a way you could change that story?

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Ever Thought of Working from Paradise? Featured In: Newsletters

Have you ever been on vacation and thought, “I’d love to live here!”? You may consider it for a moment and then tell yourself all the reasons it won’t work. But what if there was a way you could pull it off?

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“Love our interest rate, but this house doesn’t fit our needs anymore.” Featured In: Newsletters

Does this quote apply to you? If so, you’re not alone. Many people want to move but feel locked-in by their low mortgage rate. It’s difficult to time exactly when things will really shift, there can be a price to pay when you put off your decision to buy or sell.

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The Hottest Renovation Trends for 2024   Featured In: Newsletters

At this time of year, when we’re all inside more than usual, you may be feeling that your home is a bit cramped. If so, you’re not alone. One in four people say they’ve outgrown their home.

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The Number 1 Reason People Move: To be Closer to Family Featured In: Newsletters

Every year millions of Americans make the decision to move. The number one reason? The yearning to be closer to family. This desire is often driven by life’s significant milestones such as growing families, weddings, new jobs, and retirements.

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Looking Ahead to the 2024 Real Estate Market Featured In: Newsletters

As we start a new year, the real estate market is once again shifting. Many experts project that rates will finally start to decline. When that happens, it’s anticipated that there will be an influx of buyers and sellers ready to enter the market.

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How to Stage Your Home to Sell Featured In: Newsletters

If you’re planning to put your house on the market this spring, you want it to look the absolute best for the potential buyers who walk through the door.

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Home Improvements: DIY or Hire a Pro? Featured In: Newsletters

Spring is almost here, which is an ideal time to give your home a refresh. As you consider a home renovation project, you may wonder whether you should tackle it yourself or let a professional handle the work.

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